Bear Creek Farm Flower CSA
We’re thrilled to continue our special partnership with the renowned flower experts from Bear Creek Farm. Order now to ensure a summer full of spectacular blooms delivered weekly. Support us when you subscribe! A portion of proceeds will be generously donated back to the Historical Society. Pick up your beautiful booms on Wednesdays in the Greenwich Historical Society lobby.




What is a CSA? CSA is an abbreviation for Community Supported Agriculture. When you become a member of a CSA, you are buying a share of the flowers that are produce each season. By purchasing a share, for 4 or 6 weeks, Bear Creek Farm will deliver their award-winning beautiful blooms directly to the Greenwich Historical Society. When you buy a CSA share, you’ll receive substantial savings over the single stem price. Bear Creek has generously offered to donate a percent of proceeds to the Historical Society.
There are several share options available. If you select more than one flower, there will be extra blooms coming your way as a sign of our gratitude and appreciation. CSA members are emailed 1-2 weeks before scheduled start date of each share.