Pat was born and raised in Illinois, has been a high school chemistry teacher, chemical research technician, portrait painter, systems analyst, mother of two fine sons and now has five grandchildren. She and Tad have lived in Bangkok, Thailand and London, England and travelled greatly. In 1975 they settled in Old Greenwich and Pat discovered a year later that she's an 8th great-granddaughter of Elizabeth and Robert Feake. In her job in the 1980's as a computer programmer/systems analyst, she created a search engine for the IBM mainframe computer, and is a self-taught webmaster who has worked on over 20 websites,. She has also enjoyed acting locally in community theatre for decades, once playing her own 8th great-grandmother in “The Winthrop Woman” in 1990. For three years Pat was president of Connecticut Ancestry in Stamford, and was editor of their quarterly journal. Genealogy remains a passion of hers, leading to her interest in history. In 2011 she was asked to reactivate and head up the Historical Committee to catalog, weed out and archive the 68 boxes (now 35) of artifacts at The First Congregational Church of Greenwich. She created a database in Excel of the church cemetery records. putting much of this church's history and stained glass windows on and later adding free self-guided tours of the windows and cemeteries. She's been a Deacon, Clerk, Head Usher, Webmaster, Treasurer of the Women’s Fellowship and was on the 350th Anniversary Planning Committee for the Church in 2015. In 2015 she agreed to be called Historian of First Church. She headed a committee of 18 people to research and write the Church's 50 year (1965-2015) history book as an update to The First Three Hundred Years book, which covered 1665-1965. For the Greenwich Historical Society, Pat created a Neighborhood Tour of Old Greenwich in PowerPoint in 2015 for the Town’s 375th Anniversary. She is working on an updated version of it with fun new discoveries.