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Fourth Annual Harvard Case Study

November 10, 2020
Pamphlet - Hartford Suffrage Parade

Event Details

Date: November 10, 2020
Time: 7:00 pm
–8:30 pm

Why was the ERA proposed? Why was it controversial? We encourage those of all ages in our community – from students to seniors – to join us and recommit to our democratic process through healthy debate and constructive compromise. All attending will read a short historical case in preparation for discussion. Interested in participating?

Take part in an engaging community conversation, co-sponsored by the Greenwich League of Women Voters, that will have you step into the shoes of women’s rights advocates in the early 1980s as they worked for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

Pamphlet - Hartford Suffrage Parade
Hartford Suffrage Parade Program with “Votes for Women” pin and CWSA delegate ribbon attached May 2, 1914 Courtesy of the Helga J. Ingraham Memorial Library, Litchfield Historical Society

Please contact Anna Greco at 203-869-6899, ext 31