The “Thirteen Moons” program is an in-depth view of the Pequot’s relationship to the seasons and lifeways. This lecture will also highlight topics of historic preservation, environmental Indigenous activism, food sovereignty, and traditional eastern woodland histories and lifeways. This session will be led by MPMRC Public Programs Manager Nakai Northup, a passionate advocate and activist for Native American rights, and recent recipient of Connecticut Magazine’s 40 Under 40 award for 2023.

Speaker bio
Nakai Northup, a member of both the Narragansett and Mashantucket Pequot tribes, is a museum educator at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and has more than ten years of experience teaching eastern woodland tribal history. Northup has spent his entire life in his Native communities and is passionate about preserving tribal histories and traditions for future generations. He also serves as a vice-chair for the Mashantucket Pequot Natural Resource Committee.
Funding for this project is made possible by the State of Connecticut and the National Endowment for the Humanities, both of which provide significant support to Connecticut Humanities.