Coffee with the Curator
Tuesday February 11, 10:00-11:30 a.m. and Tuesday May 5, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Join exhibition curator Kathy Craughwell-Varda for a guided tour of the exhibition An Unfinished Revolution: The Woman’s Suffrage Centennial. After the tour, join the curator in the Greenwich Historical Society’s new café for coffee, tea and conversation about the legacy of the woman’s suffrage movement today.
Members: $10, Non-Members: $15
Women Get the Vote! Greenwich League of Women Voters Reception
Tuesday March 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The fight for women’s right to vote was a long journey supported by many Connecticut women who fought on a local, state, and national levels. Their inspiring stories remind us of the power of our vote and our voice today. Join us for an evening featuring a presentation from the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame, a guided tour of the exhibition An Unfinished Revolution: The Woman’s Suffrage Centennial, and a festive reception celebrating the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage!
Members and GLWV members: Free, Non-members: $20.
Storybarn: Rise Up!
Friday April 24 at 7:00 p.m. in The Barn
This highly anticipated biannual storytelling event, emceed by the one-and-only Bonnie Levison, will explore topics inspired by the stories of civic activism and tenacity featured in the exhibition An Unfinished Revolution: The Woman’s Suffrage Centennial. Storytellers will share their personal tales, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, in a cabaret-style setting. The mood is light, the crowd encouraging, and the wine, beer and snacks are plentiful!
Members: $15, Non-members: $20
More than Seneca Falls: The Suffrage Movement in New England
Sunday May 3, 2:00-3:00 p.m. in the Vanderbilt Education Center
Many histories of women’s suffrage use the 1848 convention in Seneca Falls, New York as a starting point for the movement, but neglect activism in other regions of the United States. In this afternoon lecture, Dr. Heather Munro Prescott will examine the New England women’s suffrage movement with a focus on critical activism on the state and local level, exploring how suffragists from the region helped build the cause into a national movement.
Heather Munroe Prescott is Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University specializing in U.S. women’s history, 20th-century history, and the history of medicine and public health.
Members: $10, Non-Members: $15
Princess of the Hither Isles: A Black Suffragist’s Story from the Jim Crow South
An Evening with Adele Logan Alexander
Thursday May 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the Vanderbilt Education Center
The Greenwich Historical Society is honored to welcome author and historian Adele Logan Alexander for a discussion of her latest book Princess of the Hither Isles. In this epic biography, Alexander reconstructs the life of black suffragist Adella Hunt Logan—the author’s grandmother— in a gripping manner that blends family lore, historical research, and literary imagination. Born during the Civil War into a slaveholding family that included black, white, and Cherokee forebears, Adelle Hunt Logan dedicated herself to advancing political and educational opportunities for the African American community. Alexander’s remarkable research into her grandmother’s life bridges the chasms that often frustrate efforts to document the lives of those who traditionally have been silenced.
Members: $10, Non-Members: $15