We invite you to the first installment of our Reflections on the Revolution Lecture Series. Hosted in conjunction with the exhibition, Greenwich During the Revolutionary War, currently on display and with the 250th anniversaries of the Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence fast approaching, Dr. R. Scott Stephenson, President and CEO of Philadelphia’s Museum of the American Revolution, will join the Greenwich Historical Society to share his expertise on this impactful history. As a case study for how to reflect on America’s founding 250 years later, he will present some of the upcoming exhibitions and programs at the MoAR that will explore the history and ongoing significance of those momentous events that led to the birth of our nation.
Participants are encouraged to dive deeper into the history of Greenwich during this tumultuous time in American history, by visiting the current exhibition Greenwich During the Revolutionary War: A Frontier Town on the Front Line, on view at Greenwich Historical Society through June 2025. This engaging exhibition examines the impact of the Revolutionary War on Greenwich, including an exploration of the town’s diverse communities and the daily lives of the people in Greenwich who were immediately effected by the conflict. For more information, visit https://greenwichhistory.org/rev-war/.