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The Spy and the Seamstress: A Revolutionary Tale | One Author’s Journey Back to Nathan Hale

October 24, 2023

Event Details

Date: October 24, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm
–7:30 pm

Join us for an exploration of The Spy and The Seamstress with author Scott Smith as we learn more about the extraordinary life of Nathan Hale. After writing two contemporary thrillers, Scott Smith yearned to go back in time. Hamilton, the Musical first hooked him on the Revolution – and inadvertently led him to Nathan Hale. Hale and Hamilton were both captains in the Continental Army serving in New York City in 1776. They were both the same age, both Ivy League graduates, both handsome, popular men. Yet, at the most dire moment in the war, when the Continental Army was surrounded by the full might of the British Empire, and commander-in-chief George Washington put out the call for an officer to go behind enemy lines, Nathan Hale was the only one to raise his hand. The rest is history – Hamilton went on to greatness and Broadway; Hale went to an unmarked grave. Smith’s presentation will discuss The Spy and the Seamstress and highlight events in his own life including the creative dynamics and the research process that contribute to his writing.

Purchase the book for signing on the day of the event!

Speaker Biography

Scott Smith

After a thirty-year career on Wall Street, Scott retired in 2014 to pursue a lifelong passion to write. His cybersecurity novel, Darkness is Coming, won Distinguished Favorite in the Thriller category in the NYC Big Book Award competition. In 2017, he began researching the life and times of Nathan Hale, the official hero of his adopted home state of Connecticut. The effort resulted in The Spy and the Seamstress, as well as several in-depth articles published in the prestigious Journal of the American Revolution. Two of Scott's articles were selected for inclusion in the Journal's annual compendium of its best writings.

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