Innis Arden House Site

Alas, this magnificent house had to be torn down in 1962 as it needed extensive repairs and required more money, time, and attention than the public coffers could provide. J. Kennedy Tod was among the wealthy elite of New York who made the Connecticut coast their playground. To recap, soon after he married Maria Howard … Read more

The Seaside Garden

As mentioned earlier, the Tod estate joined two islands together. The island to the west has twin peaks. The Seaside Garden occupies the northern peak and Innis Arden House, the southern peak. The Tods commissioned Marian Cruger Coffin to design and build the walled garden in 1918, when, as her career was blossoming, she became … Read more

The Chimes Building

Known as the Chimes Building, the Tods built this structure in 1896 as a stable and carriage house. In 1901, they added a 50-foot bell tower containing a set of hemispherical bells played by an automatic drum in the tower clock. Produced and sold as a relatively inexpensive alternative to conventional tower bells, their lighter … Read more

Old Greenwich Yacht Club

The Tods often hosted the families of relatives and friends at Innis Arden. Some guests arrived by yacht. A 200-foot pier connected a dock situated on Pelican Island (the sand bar on the left in the photo) to the boathouse (by the modern dock, center right) until the pier was destroyed by the Great New … Read more

Eagle Pond

As you head farther out on the Point, you come to the northern land bridge at Eagle Pond; across the Pond is the southern land bridge. Tod created both to connect the two islands. Midway on each land bridge, notice the Pond fill or empty, depending on the tide. In 1996, the Audubon Society and … Read more

The Holly Grove

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Farrand Kitchel donated twenty-one different species of holly to the town in 1959 in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. In 2016, the Friends of Greenwich Point, in celebration of their 60th anniversary, began working with the town to restore the Holly Grove. In addition to clearing brush, trimming trees, and … Read more