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Month: July 2020

Tod’s Driftway  The road out of the Park is called Tod’s Driftway. Originally, this was a sand bar (tombolo) connecting the...
On Founders’ Day, July 18, 2016, the town attached a commemorative bronze plaque to a small boulder on the bluff at...
Alas, this magnificent house had to be torn down in 1962 as it needed extensive repairs and required more money, time,...
As mentioned earlier, the Tod estate joined two islands together. The island to the west has twin peaks. The Seaside Garden...
Known as the Chimes Building, the Tods built this structure in 1896 as a stable and carriage house. In 1901, they...
The Tods often hosted the families of relatives and friends at Innis Arden. Some guests arrived by yacht. A 200-foot pier...