Cos Cob’s HAMLETHUB: Why Small Businesses Matter

The Gift Shop at the Greenwich Historical Society Shop small, do big things for your community. Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community. The shop local movement spreads virally as local businesses who are “tagged” have the … Read more

Preserving History: The Girl Scout Experience During COVID-19

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, the Greenwich Historical Society reached out to the community to find artifacts that documented the times. GREENWICH, CT — Documenting historical events as they happen is a critical part of human life, as it allows future generations to understand the experiences of those that came before them. The COVID-19 pandemic … Read more

From Farms to Farmerettes: Greenwich’s Agricultural Past

Now famously home to exclusive housing developments and luxury retailers, the Town of Greenwich began as an agricultural enterprise. Historically, this was a necessity. After the purchase of Greenwich in 1640 from the Munsee Indians, new settlers had to subsist on what they could produce, without dependable help from England. But the agrarian character of … Read more

Women’s History Month: Greenwich Women Leave Their Mark

Three Greenwich Women You Should Know

Every year March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. To mark the occasion, the Greenwich Historical Society invites you to read about three women who lived most of their lives in Greenwich and had an immense impact on the everyday lives … Read more

Spotlight on Printmaker Kerr Eby

Railroad Bridge etching by Kerr Eby

The Greenwich Historical Society’s current exhibition Lost Landscape Revealed: Childe Hassam and The Red Mill, Cos Cob (on view January 16-March 28, 2021) features several etchings by Childe Hassam depicting the buildings of Cos Cob’s Lower Landing, and interiors at the Holley House. Hassam was inspired to make serious study of etching as a technique … Read more