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Civil War Solider, William Mead

160 years ago today, Abraham Lincoln gave one of the most famous speeches in American history – the Gettysburg Address. This short speech – only 271 words – has remained in the general consciousness of the American people ever since. Although the speech was written to dedicate a cemetery, it spoke mainly of the larger … Read more

A Request for Education

On February 28th, 1837, the Selectmen of the Town of Greenwich gave permission for the teachers of the North Greenwich Congregational Church Sabbath School to educate a woman named Emaline Foster. The letter shown bellow, granting Ms. Foster permission to attend the church’s school, highlights a brief but important moment in the history of civil … Read more

What Is a Pollinator Garden ?

yellow swallowtail

Pollinators are insects (such as butterflies, bees and beetles), animals (such as bats and geckos) and birds (such as hummingbirds and honeyeaters) that bring pollen from one plant to another. This enables plants to create seeds. Just under 90% of all flowering plants rely on pollinators to reproduce, including most plants in our forests, gardens … Read more

Earth Day: Then and Now

Earth Day in Greenwich CT

Imagine a time when factories could dump all of their chemical waste into the rivers, when every car on the road belched toxic lead into the sky, and poisonous pesticides were used with no regulations and no legal consequences. This was the world in 1960, but things were about to change. In 1962, Rachel Carson … Read more

The Colonial Kitchen Garden

chive blossoms

One of my favorite things to do when the weather gets warm is garden. I love to watch tiny seeds turn into sprouts, sprouts turn into sprigs, and sprigs turn into full grown plants. It is a beautiful process that never fails to give me joy. When we think of a garden, we often think … Read more

Women’s History Month: Greenwich Women Leave Their Mark

Three Greenwich Women You Should Know

Every year March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. To mark the occasion, the Greenwich Historical Society invites you to read about three women who lived most of their lives in Greenwich and had an immense impact on the everyday lives … Read more