- 2023 Annual Meeting
- 2023 Festival of Tabletop Trees & Holiday Festival
- 2023 Holiday Boutique
- 90th Anniversary
- 90th media page
- 90th table registration
- A Frontier Town on the Front Line
- About Antiquarius
- About Greenwich Landmarks
- About Us
- About Us
- An American Odyssey: The Jewish Experience in Greenwich
- An American Story: Finding Home in Fairfield County
- An Eye to the East: The Inspiration of Japan
- An Unfinished Revolution
- An Unfinished Revolution: The Woman’s Suffrage Centennial
- Annual Meeting
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- April 6 Reframing 12pm
- April 6 Reframing 1pm
- April 6 Reframing 2pm
- April 6 Reframing 3pm
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- Awards & Recognition
- Bear Creek Farm Flower CSA
- Beautiful Work
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- Bronson Van Wyck
- Bush-Holley House, the Cos Cob Art Colony and American Impressionism
- Bush-Holley Tour Thank you
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- Chronology of Greenwich Historical Society
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- Cos Cob Art Colony Collection
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- CT Summer at the Museum
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- David Ogilvy Award
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- Designer Lecture Series Tickets
- Designer Panel
- Did you Know? A Greenwich Workshop Once Helped Fuel a Renewed Interest in an Ancient Art?
- Did You Know? Former Greenwich resident was a renowned dramatic actor…and brother of an assassin
- Did You Know? Greenwich backcountry could have resembled a small city?
- Did You Know? Greenwich Helped Keep America Clean
- Did You Know? Greenwich was first Connecticut municipality to suffer effects of dreaded tree disease
- Did You Know? Greenwich Was Home To an Early Aviation Pioneer
- Did You Know? It’s Elementary: Greenwich Resident Helped Introduce a Famous Literary Detective to America
- Did You Know? Message Received!: Greenwich Was Site of Early Breakthrough in Global Communication
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- Fairy House Workshop afternoon classes
- Fairy House Workshop Morning Class
- Fairy Workshop Registration 4/19 Afternoon Class
- Fairy Workshop Registration 4/19 Morning Class
- Fairy Workshop Registration 4/20 Afternoon Class
- Fairy Workshop Registration 4/20 Morning Class
- Fall Fête
- Fall Fête Tickets
- Fall Scarecrow Festival 2023
- fall-scarecrow-festival
- Festival of Trees
- festival-of-tapletop-trees
- Financial Disclosures
- Floral Design Series
- Founders Day
- Front Hall
- Fundraising Raffle
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- Glenville Historic District
- Greenwich Faces
- Greenwich Historic Communities
- Greenwich History
- Greenwich History News
- Greenwich Landmarks Series
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Burns—One Family, Two Historic Homes
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Cross Roads 1894 “Shingle-style” Is Once Again Popular
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Denbigh Farm
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Dingletown Church
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Easterly
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Greenwich’s First Post Office
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Hencken
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Homestead
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Joseph Lyon House
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Joshua Reynolds House Retains Early 1700s Charm
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Justus Sackett House
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Mills-Fitch House
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Solomon Merritt House
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: Stonehenge
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: The Original North Street School
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: The Quintard Homestead
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: The Real Estate Legacy of Greenwich’s Nathaniel Witherell
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: The Yasukata Murai Home, 1889
- Greenwich Landmarks Series: William Field House
- Greenwich Local Historic District
- Greenwich Municipal Center
- Greenwich Point Archaeological Site
- Greenwich Point Park
- Greenwich Voices
- Greenwich Women Face the Great War
- Group Tours
- Guided Walking Tour 1030
- Guided Walking Tour 12
- Guided Walking Tour 15 1030
- Guided Walking Tour 18 1030
- Guided Walking Tour 2
- Guided Walking Tour 27 1030
- Highlights from the Cos Cob Art Colony Collection
- Historic Designations
- Historic District Descriptions
- Historic Districts
- Historic Fourth Ward
- History from home
- History in the Making
- History in the Making 2021
- History in the Making Allan Houston
- History in the Making Gallery
- History Is…
- History of Bush-Holley House
- Holiday Boutique
- Holiday Entertaining Workshop
- Holiday Festival
- Home
- In Their Footsteps – Deborah Pierce Bonnell Paints Weir Farm
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- Jewelry Appraisals by Doyle
- Jim and Jane Henson: Creative Work, Creative Play
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- Life: Six Women Photographers
- Life: Six Women Photographers Events
- LIFE: Six Women Photographers Gallery
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- Radical Pots & Cooperative Hands Member Preview
- Re-Framing April 5 12pm
- Re-Framing April 5 1pm
- Re-Framing April 5 2pm
- Re-Framing April 5 3pm
- Rediscover Greenwich
- Research Services
- Research Services Online Fee
- Revolutionary War Quizzes
- River Road-Mead Avenue Historic District
- Sam Pryor Faces The Great War
- Sarah Bush’s Sickroom
- Saturday, December 3 1:30 pm
- Saturday, December 3 12:00 pm
- Saturday, December 3 3:00 pm
- School Programs
- Scout Groups
- Selling Suffrage
- Shining a Light Lecture Series
- Shining a Light Lecture Series
- Shop
- Short History of Greenwich
- Site and Landscape Tours
- Site Rental Information
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- Site Rentals
- Sitemap
- Slave Quarters-2
- Special Guided Tour 1:30 PM 5/18/2022
- Special Guided Tour 1:30 PM 5/4/2022
- Special Guided Tour 12 PM 5/18/2022
- Special Guided Tour 12 PM 5/4/2022
- Special Guided Tour 3 PM 5/18/2022
- Special Guided Tour 3 PM 5/4/2022
- Sponsorship
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- Sports! More than Just a Game
- SPORTS! More Than Just a Game Exhibition
- SPORTS! More Than Just a Game in the News
- Sports! More Than Just a Game Video Collection
- Spring Fete 2024
- Spring Fete 2025
- Spring Fete Gallery
- Spring Tour
- State Register of Historic Places
- Strategic Plan
- Strickland Road Historic District
- Suffragists in Greenwich
- Sylvanus Selleck Gristmill
- Tavern Markets
- test
- Thank You
- Thank You
- Thank You for entering
- Thank You Submission
- The Archives Cataloging and Digitization Project
- The Bush-Holley House
- The Greenwich Paintings of John Henry Twachtman
- The Greenwich Preservation Network
- This Place Matters Gallery
- This Place Matters Photo Contest
- Tickets
- Time Travel
- Time Travel
- Time Travel
- Time Travel
- Time Travel
- Time Travel
- Time Travelers KidStudio
- Title 1 School Partnership
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- Twachtman Catalogue
- Twachtman Events
- Twachtman in the News
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- Winter Antiques & Design Show
- Winter Holiday Events
- Witness Stones Placement Ceremony 2023
- Witness Stones Project
- Your Support is Crucial
Posts by category
- Category: Announcements
- Category: Art Colony Rooms
- Category: Blog
- Wanting to learn more about Henry Louis “Alabam” Walker
- The Mail Order Industry and the Threat to Local Businesses
- Remembering Elizabeth Fones Winthrop Feake Hallett and Other Notable Women Trailblazers Associated with Greenwich Point
- The Drive For a Peril-less Fourth of July
- Civil War Solider, William Mead
- A Request for Education
- Elmer and Emma Constant: A Love Story
- Joe and Johnnie: Friendship at the Bush-Holley House
- How to Read an Early American Real Property Deed
- Flip it and Reverse it: The Other Side of Archival Materials
- #AskAnArchivist at Greenwich Historical Society
- Finds from Summer 2022 Excavation
- An Old Glory Comes Home
- Harvesting and Preserving: Keeping the Gardens Alive at Bush-Holley House
- Crispus Attucks: A Legacy of Radical Black Dignity
- Foundation House at Old Mill Farm
- Our Town, Our Gardens: Community Gardening in Greenwich
- Beautiful Workers: The Gardeners Behind the Landscapes
- Cos Cob’s HAMLETHUB: Why Small Businesses Matter
- Preserving History: The Girl Scout Experience During COVID-19
- From Farms to Farmerettes: Greenwich’s Agricultural Past
- Spotlight on Sylvia Wilks: Greenwich Heiress, Recluse & Philanthropist
- Women’s History Month: Greenwich Women Leave Their Mark
- Spotlight on Printmaker Kerr Eby
- From the Archives: Winter Scenes in Greenwich
- Presidential Objects in Our Collection
- The Local Vaccine Factory
- From the Archives: Letters from Childe Hassam
- Hassam in Cos Cob
- Curator Happy Hour
- Painting the Shipyard
- Twachtman’s Tiger Lilies
- Did You Know? Message Received!: Greenwich Was Site of Early Breakthrough in Global Communication
- Twachtman’s Old Holley House, Cos Cob
- Celebrating the Legacy of Genjiro Yeto
- Letters from Sgt. Rich
- Suffrage Stories: Alice Paul’s Picket Pin
- The Lost Girl
- Suffrage Stories: The Color White
- Serious Business of Yesteryear
- The “Old” Greenwich Town Hall
- The Havemeyer Building
- Greenwich Town Hall: “The ‘Old’ High School”
- The “Old” Greenwich Post Office
- Greenwich Family Visits a Dazzling Turn-Of-The-Century Exposition
- The MerryWhirl of 1920
- Supplying the Material to Build Greenwich: Maher Brothers Corporation
- Celebrating the Suffrage Centennial
- A Letter from the Director
- It’s Elementary: Greenwich Resident Helped Introduce a Famous Literary Detective to America
- A Greenwich Workshop Once Helped Fuel a Renewed Interest in an Ancient Art?
- Ceramics by Leon Volkmar
- May I have this Dance?
- Conyers Manor
- Time Travel
- Did You Know? A Greenwich Workshop Once Helped Fuel A Renewed Interest In An Ancient Art?
- Category: Bush-Holley House
- Category: careers
- Category: Cos Cob Art Colony
- Category: Education
- What Is a Pollinator Garden ?
- Earth Day: Then and Now
- The Colonial Kitchen Garden
- An Introduction to Impressionism
- Pomander Balls – A Holiday Craft
- Colonial Cooking: Dandelion Honey
- Stained Glass Windows
- Colonial Cooking: Butter in a Jar
- Suffrage Word Search
- Colonial Cooking: Mushroom Ketchup
- How to Weave at Home
- Colonial Cooking: Wilted Salad
- What’s in a Name? — America’s First Name
- Ancient Crafts: Weaving
- Colonial Cooking: Marmalade
- Colonial Cooking: Pattypan Soup
- Colonial Cooking: Fairy Butter
- Colonial Cooking: A Primer
- What’s in a Name? — Greenwich
- What’s in a Name? — Connecticut
- What’s in a Name? — Street Names
- What’s In A Name? — Last Names
- Colonial Cooking: Chicken
- What’s in a Name? — First Names
- Category: Event
- December 6 tour at 3:00
- December 6 tour at 1:30
- December 6 tour at 12:00
- History in the Making 2024
- December 8 tour at 3:00
- December 8 tour at 1:30
- December 8 tour at 12:00
- December 29 tour at 3:00
- December 29 tour at 1:30
- December 29 tour at 12:00
- December 28 tour at 3:00
- December 28 tour at 1:30
- December 28 tour at 12:00
- December 22 tour at 3:00
- December 22 tour at 1:30
- December 22 tour at 12:00
- December 21 tour at 3:00
- December 21 tour at 1:30
- December 21 tour at 12:00
- December 15 tour at 3:00
- December 15 tour at 1:30
- December 15 tour at 12:00
- December 14 tour at 3:00
- December 14 tour at 1:30
- December 14 tour at 12:00
- December 1 tour at 3:00
- December 1 tour at 1:30
- December 1 tour at 12:00
- November 30 tour at 3:00
- November 30 tour at 12:00
- April Break Workshop: Building a Fairy House
- God’s Little Acre: The Slave Trade in Newport with Keith Stokes
- Camp Registration: Elementary School
- Camp Registration: Middle School
- 2021 Art, History and Landscape Lecture
- April Break Workshop: Building a Fairy House
- April Break Workshop: What Will My Garden Grow?
- Hangroot: The Early Native and African Presence in Greenwich, CT with Teresa Vega
- A Closer Look at Lost Landscape Revealed: Childe Hassam and The Red Mill, Cos Cob
- Category: Exhibit
- Category: Gallery
- Category: Historic Districts
- Category: Homepage
- Category: Music
- Category: New Nation Rooms
- Category: News
- Museum Access: ‘American Impressionists’ – The Bruce Museum and The Bush-Holley House – Greenwich, CT
- Using the PAST to Inform the PRESENT and the FUTURE
- Discover the ConneCT-NY Culture Trip: A Perfect Day of Art, History, and Inspiration Along the Coastline
- Dinner at the Cos Cob Art Colony
- Four Distinctive Properties Awarded Plaques For Architectural Significance
- Explore ‘Greenwich During The Revolutionary War’ With Local Historical Society
- All in the Family, The Historical Society Honors Generations of Philanthropy
- Historical Society Presents Susie Baker with the David Ogilvy Preservation Award
- Two Greenwich museums to be featured in PBS show ‘Museum Access’ for American Impressionist painting collections
- Martha Stewart and Interior Designer Stephen Sills Discuss Great Homes & Style at Historical Society Spring Fete
- ‘LIFE: Six Women Photographers’ Exhibition Opening Draws Enthusiastic Response
- GHS Presents Women’s History Month Lectures
- Women with an Indelible Influence on Social Advocacy and Journalistic Activism
- Greenwich Historical Society to exhibit work of six women LIFE photographers
- Greenwich Historical Society Exhibit Features 6 Women Photographers Whose Iconic Images for LIFE Magazine Helped Create Modern Journalism
- Historical Society debut of: LIFE: Six Women Photographers
- Radical Pots & Cooperative Hands: Katherine Choy and Clay Art Center
- Alma Rutgers: Pottery a vessel for journey from Shanghai to CA to New Orleans to CT
- Greenwich Historical Society celebrates life, works and legacy of pioneering ceramic artist Katherine Choy
- Allan Houston and local coaches honored at Greenwich Historical Society benefit
- Historical Society’s History in the Making honors Greenwich sports Super-Stars
- GHS Announces Greenwich Coaches Nominated to Receive Career Achievement Awards
- Greenwich Historical Society Spring Tour & Patron Party
- Historical Society Announces Greenwich Coaches Nominated to Receive Career Achievement Awards
- Greenwich Historical Society’s Tavern Garden Markets reopen May 17
- Historical Society’s Tavern Garden Markets return Wednesday
- LWV Greenwich, Historical Society partner to preserve historical assets
- 100 years of Greenwich political history collected in a Riverside barn finds a new home
- Greenwich Historical Society Explores Local Athletes Who Broke Boundaries: Sports! More Than Just a Game
- See the CT sports legends highlighted in new Greenwich Historical Society exhibit
- Historical Society Hosts Sports Exhibition
- Preserving Greenwich’s Architectural History
- CT students discover their Indian-American heritage through oral histories: ‘They made a lot of sacrifices’
- Delayed Debuts in LA and Greenwich
- The Glory of Greenwich
- Life & Art: The Greenwich Paintings Of John Henry Twachtman
- Greenwich Historical Society pays tribute to the late author David McCullough: ‘A story from a master’
- In Greenwich stop, Lt. Gov. Bysiewicz boosts CT’s free museum program that allow families ‘to learn together’
- How does the Greenwich Historical Society teach today’s kids yesterday’s skills? One class at a time.
- John Henry Twachtman Adopts Greenwich
- On its way to its 100th, the Greenwich Historical Society to celebrate its 90th anniversary In a Gatsbyesque setting
- Take a Walk on the Historical Side
- Greenwich Historical Society at age 90: ‘a great heritage to live up to’
- WPKN podcast Shining A Light: Uncovering Lost Voices in Local History
- Greenwich Sentinel: The extraordinary contributions of three generations of women in the Bush-Holley House
- Witness Stones Project aims to restore honor to names of people once enslaved in Connecticut
- Greenwich’s ‘forgotten’ enslaved population: ‘Witness Stones’ project seeks to tell their stories
- Connecticut Idyll
- The Greenwich Paintings of John Henry Twachtman
- Witness Stones Memorial to Enslaved People of Greenwich
- Category: Press Releases
- LIFE: Six Women Photographers Press Release
- Greenwich Historical Society Introduces: Tavern Garden Market
- Historical Society Granted Garden Club of America Historic Preservation Commendation for Bush Holley House and Impressionist Art Colony Gardens
- The Rise and Decline of Hangroot: A Once Vibrant Round Hill Road-Area Community of Native and African Americans Contributed to Town’s Cultural Heritage
- Greenwich Historical Society to Present Beautiful Work: The Art of Greenwich Gardens and Landscapes
- Historical Society to Honor the Humanity of Greenwich’s Enslaved Individuals Through Collaboration with Witness Stones Project
- Historical Society Lecture Shows How History Can Be Reclaimed and Interpreted through Newport’s Rich Cultural Heritage
- Grant from Connecticut Humanities COVID Relief Fund to Support Greenwich Historical Society’s Public and Educational Programming
- Greenwich Historical Society and Historic Properties of Greenwich Strike Partnership to Permanently Protect Town’s Fast Disappearing Architectural Heritage
- A More Expansive Community-Focused Antiquarius Goes Virtual in the Spirit of the Season
- Greenwich Historical Society Acquires Painting by Iconic American Impressionist
- Horowitz Foundation Grant to Support John Henry Twachtman Online
- Landmarks Recognition Program to Recognize Properties Associated with Trailblazing Women in Honor of the Centennial of the 19th Amendment
- Category: Recommended Reading
- Category: Sports News
- Category: Twachtman News
- Category: Uncategorized
- Best Bedroom
- Make Preservation History Now! Zoom Panel
- Winter Vacation Fun: Mini Monster Makers
- Winter Vacation Fun: Ships in the Harbor
- Chocolate Sunday Celebration
- Winter Vacation Fun: Pointillism Painting – SOLD OUT !
- Creating Family Archives with Margot Note
- Greenwich Historical Society Receives Trustees Emeritus Award for Excellence in Stewardship of Historic Sites
- Festival of Tabletop Trees
- Fall Festival First Session
- Princess of the Hither Isles: A Black Suffragist’s Story from the Jim Crow South
An Evening with Author Adele Logan Alexander - Greenwich Historic Trust
- Category: Walking Tour
Mega Menu Items
- CTC & G
- Greenwich Time
- Hamlet Hub
- Moffly Media
- Greenwich Sentinal
- Brescome Barton
- Sam Bridge
- Summer Rain
- Doyle
- EdgeHill
- The First Bank of Greenwich
- Hearst
- Charles Hilton Architects
- James Doyle
- NBC Sports
- NY Islanders
- Rand Insurance
- Vanderhorn Architects
- Yasmin Lloyds
- Greenwich Moms
- Cultural Alliance
- CT Humanities
- Rediscover Greenwich Avenue
- Rediscover Greenwich Avenue
- Rediscover Greenwich Avenue
- Rediscover Greenwich Avenue
- Re-Framing 95: Interactive Art Installation and Walking Tours
- Re-Framing 95: Interactive Art Installation and Walking Tours
- Spring Fete
- Tonalists and Impressionists in Cos Cob: Unique American Views of the Connecticut Landscape
- Colonial Toys: Make and Play with Marbles in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Make and Play with Marbles in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Make and Play with Marbles in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make your own Butter in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make your own Butter in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make a Punched Tin Lantern in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make a Punched Tin Lantern in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make your own Butter in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Insubordinate spirit
- Merritt Parkway: The Road that Shaped a Region
- The Final Account
- Taking a Ride on Butterfly Wings
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Colonial Crafts: Write with a Quill and Ink in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Decorate a Top in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make a “Quill” in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make a Lavender Sachet in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make “Scherenschnitte” Cards in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Make a Yarn Doll in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Make a Yarn Doll in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- My Story, Our Future
- Working for the Revolution: Patriot Women's Lives During the War
- Let’s Do History! Douglass Day Celebration 2025
- Remembering America’s Revolution on its 250th Birthday: Ensuring the Promise Endures
- Colonial Crafts: Make Paper Quilling Cards in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Understanding Black and Indigenous Land- and Waterscapes in the Telling of History
- Colonial Crafts: Make a Revolutionary War Inspired Drum in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- The Coretta Scott King & Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Annual Conversation: A Vital Conversation about Women’s Health Equity
- Become a Revolutionary Spy: Make Invisible Ink in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Become a Revolutionary Spy: Make Invisible Ink in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make a Revolutionary Tricorn Hat in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make a Revolutionary Tricorn Hat in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Holidays: Make a Pomander Ball the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Holidays: Make a Tin Punch Inspired Ornament in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Holidays: Make an Illumination in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Due to Popular Demand: Second Screening of Rohna Classified
- Greenwich on the Frontlines and Home Front: Sharing Oral Histories of WWI and WWII
- Power Breakfast with Interior Stylist Mieke ten Have
- Colonial Crafts: Make your own Butter in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Play and Make Your Own Games in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make a Cardstock "Quilt" in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Veterans Day Film Screening of Rohna Classified
- Colonial Crafts: Make a “Quill” in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make a “Quill” in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Greenwich During the Revolutionary War: A Frontier Town on the Front Line
- Colonial Crafts: Make a Lavender Sachet in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make a Lavender Sachet in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Make Marbled Paper in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Fall at Sleepy Cat Farm: Tour and Trellis Talk with Alan Gorkin
- Colonial Toys: Make a Whirligig in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Make a Corn Husk Doll in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Make a Whirligig in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- History in the Making Award Dinner
- Colonial Holidays: Make a “Scherenschnitte” Holiday Card in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Holidays: Make a “Scherenschnitte” Ornament in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Dress Up in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Make Paper Dolls in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Decorate a Top in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Write with a Quill and Ink in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Crafts: Write with a Quill and Ink in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Decorate a Top in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Toys: Make Paper Dolls in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Colonial Dress-up in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Fall Scarecrow Festival
- Holiday Boutique
- Holiday Festival
- Festival of Tabletop Trees
- Justice on the Big Screen: A Marshall Movie Screening at the YWCA
- Festive Holiday Centerpiece Workshop
- Fall Tablescape Workshop with Rene from Abilis
- Holiday Cheer: Cocktails and Mocktails with Annie from Bar a la Cart
- 2024 Annual Meeting, Greenwich Landmarks &David Ogilvy Preservation Award
- Writing with a Quill in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Aluminum Foil Tinware in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Vintage Card Making in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Map Making in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Paper Lanterns in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Origami in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Oil Pastels: Still Lifes in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Pottery Themed Coloring in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Oil Pastels: Landscapes in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Faux Flower Arranging in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Terracotta Pot Painting in the Time Travelers KidStudio
- Time Travelers KidStudio
- Italian American Recollections in Stamford, Connecticut
- Founder's Day
- Colorful Pasta and Sauces with Federico from Il Pastaficio
- Marquis de Lafayette "Victory Lap Through Greenwich" 200th Anniversary Celebration
- Juneteenth Celebration
- Out of the Shadows: The Henson Festivals and Their Impact on Contemporary Puppet Theater
- Charcuterie Workshop with Shari Ivler of Graze New York
- “Art Therapy” with a Splash with Kristen Larkin of 22KATKRAFTS
- Now You Can Take My Picture
- 100 Things to do in Connecticut Before You Die
- LIFE: Six Women Photographers
- The History Of The New York Flower Market
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Guided Gallery Tour
- Old School 203
- Suburban Chaos
- Sun Kings: A Beatles Tribute
- Silver Steel Drum Band
- Gunsmoke
- Billy & the Showmen
- Kings Highway
- Chasing Romeo
- Springtime with Sleepy Cat Farm: Trellis Talk and Demonstration with Alan Gorkin
- My Story, Our Future
- A Brief History Of Connecticut's Public Parks & Gardens With Chris Lawrie
- The Women: Friends' Friday Film Screening with Special Guest Peggy Parsons
- Artful Arrangements: Winter White – Colonial Williamsburg
- Artful Arrangements Gilded Age Centerpiece: Heirloom Roses and Ferns
- Artful Arrangements Dazzling Dahlias: Dutch Master Still-Life Floral Design
- Artful Arrangements Peony Madness: French Garden Floral Arrangement
- LIFE Today: A Conversation with Jill Golden and Kostya Kennedy
- Spring Story Barn: “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”
- Reliquary of Blackness: Uncovering and Archiving the History of the Black Community in the Paper City
- The Trials of Constance Baker Motley: Film Screening and Lecture with Constance L. Royster
- Artful Adventures
- African American History in Connecticut
- Third Annual Discover Greenwich Scavenger Hunt: "Capture the Moment"
- LIFE: Six Women Photographers: A Lecture with Curator Marilyn Satin Kushner
- Hansel Mieth: Vagabond Photographer - Film Screening and Discussion
- "My Ireland" Book Talk with Margaret Connor
- Women of Photos and Letters: Margaret Bourke-White, Clare Boothe Luce and Annie Leibovitz
- Graphic and Multimedia Narratives in Connecticut's Asian American History: A Review of "The Cargo Rebellion: Those Who Chose Freedom"
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House at 12:00
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House at 1:30
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House at 3:00
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House at 3:00
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House at 1:30
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House at 12:00
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House at 12:00
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House at 1:30
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House at 3:00
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Holiday Boutique
- Douglass Day 2024: The Frederick Douglass Correspondence from the Library of Congress
- Radical Pots & Cooperative Hands: Katherine Choy and Clay Art Center
- Festival of Tabletop Trees
- Power Breakfast with David Netto
- Visionary Art Pottery and Studio Craft in Our backyard: Leon Gambetta Volkmar and Katherine Choy
- Coffee with the Curator: Exhibition Tour
- Lecture- Katherine Choy: Radical Potter in 1950s New Orleans
- Lecture and Demonstration: Wheel Throwing and Hand Building in the Style of Katherine Choy
- Hands-on Clay Workshop: Hand Building Organic Vase Forms
- Building Home: A Look at the Free Black Communities of Fairfield County
- Story Barn: "Life Imitates Art"
- Holiday Festival
- Holiday Boxwood Centerpiece
- Fall Scarecrow Festival
- Meaningful Connection Experience with Michelle Garside, Soul Camp Creative
- Fall Fermentation | Nourish: Plant Based Recipes to Feed Body Mind and Soul
- Discovering the Power of Our Home & Wellness Connection
- Celebrating the Autumn Equinox with Heaven to Earth Astrology
- Discover Greenwich Walking Tour: Greenwich Point
- Colonial Recess
- Bush-Holley House Family Tours
- Breaking Barriers: The Negro Leagues and "The Other Boys of Summer" | A Community Event and Discussion
- Discover Greenwich Walking Tour: Tomac Cemetery
- 2023 Annual Meeting, Greenwich Landmarks and David Ogilvy Preservation Award
- The Spy and the Seamstress: A Revolutionary Tale | One Author’s Journey Back to Nathan Hale
- The Magical Gardens of Bunny Mellon
- History in the Making
- Jams/Curds/Chutneys with Country House Cuisine
- Morning Market Talk with Joel Dawson from Old Greenwich Honey
- Morning Market Talk with Artist Leigh Taylor Mickelson
- Morning Market Talk with Demitra from Heaven to Earth Astrology
- Morning Market Talk with Christopher Beane, NYC - based photographer and fine artist
- Grit and God's Grace: Mary Adeline Reynolds: 1860-1948 | A Book Talk with Deborah Toll Reynolds
- Architecture of the Gilded Age | A Book Talk with Phillip James Dodd
- If a Poem Could Live and Breathe: A Novel of Teddy Roosevelt's First Love | A Conversation with Mary Calvi and Dana Tyler
- Thanksgiving Tablescape
- Succulent Garden
- Chasing Romeo
- Silver Steel Drum Band
- Margi & the Dapper Dots
- The Sun Kings- A Beatles Tribute
- Gunsmoke
- Suburban Chaos
- Billy & the Showmen
- Colonial Connections
- Historical Happenings
- Spring Field Day Festival
- Candle and Diffuser Making Set with Abilis Gardens and Gifts
- Connecticut Gardens: A Celebration of the State’s Historic, Public & Private Gardens
- Italian Desserts with Federico from Il Pastaficio
- Dumplings 101 with North of Nit Noi Provisions
- SPORTS! More Than Just a Game Exhibition Spotlight Tours
- SPORTS! More Than Just a Game Exhibition Spotlight Tours
- SPORTS! More Than Just a Game Exhibition Spotlight Tours
- SPORTS! More Than Just a Game Exhibition Spotlight Tours
- SPORTS! More Than Just a Game Exhibition Spotlight Tours
- SPORTS! More Than Just a Game Exhibition Spotlight Tours
- Facets of Indian Culture: An Ensemble Dance Performance with Layavinyasa
- Building A Legacy: Women’s Basketball in Connecticut A Conversation with Jen Rizzotti and Nia Clouden, Connecticut Sun
- Curator Deep Dives: Special In-Depth Guided Exhibition Tour
- Curator Deep Dives: Special In-Depth Guided Exhibition Tour
- Greenwich Greats: Sharing the Stories of Local Legends Through Their Oral Histories
- Byram Shubert Library: The Story of Suffrage In Greenwich with Heather Lodge
- Fairy House Workshop
- Artful Arrangements: Holiday Winter White
- The Missing Stories: South Asian American History from the 1700s to Today
- Thirteen Moons: Seasons and Lifeways of the Mashantucket Pequot
- Invisible No More: Historic Places Connected to LGBTQ New Yorkers and Commuters
- Diverse Stories from Women’s Lives in the Ancient Burying Ground
- The Indigenous Roots of Lacrosse: A Lecture with Neal J. Powless
- Discover Greenwich Scavenger Hunt: Sports Edition
- Pickleball Day of Play in Association with the Greenwich YWCA
- Afternoon in the Archives: Sports Stories
- The Art of Croquet: Lecture and Demonstration with Lee Kennedy
- Afternoon in the Archives: Sports Stories
- The Old Connecticut Game of Wicket: A Lecture with Alex Dubois
- Story Barn: Win Some, Lose Some
- True: The Four Seasons of Jackie Robinson: Book Talk with Kostya Kennedy
- Tuesday Trivia: Sports Edition
- Artful Arrangements: Dazzling Dahlias and Country Garden Glamour
- Artful Arrangements: Peony Perfusion, Design inspired by Constant MacRae
- Artful Arrangements: Spring Farm to Table with Heirloom Tulips, Hyacinths and Mini Daffodils
- Artful Arrangements: Modern Farmhouse
- Documentary Film Screening of Pushing Boundaries: UConn’s First NBA Player
- Douglass Day Transcribe-a-thon
- Sports! More Than Just a Game
- My Story, Our Future
- Guided Tour of Life and Art: The Greenwich Paintings of John Henry Twachtman Exhibition
- Guided Tour of Life and Art: The Greenwich Paintings of John Henry Twachtman Exhibition
- Guided Tour of Life and Art: The Greenwich Paintings of John Henry Twachtman Exhibition
- Guided Tour of Life and Art: The Greenwich Paintings of John Henry Twachtman Exhibition
- Guided Tour of Life and Art: The Greenwich Paintings of John Henry Twachtman Exhibition
- Guided Tour of Life and Art: The Greenwich Paintings of John Henry Twachtman Exhibition
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- CANCELLED- Holiday Puppet Show: The Steadfast Tin Soldier
- A Nation Divided: The Challenge of Secession
- Power Breakfast with Summer Thornton
- Holiday Family Festival
- Festival of Tabletop Trees
- Winter Market Opening Cocktail Reception
- Winter Market
- Afternoon in the Archives: Twachtman in His Own Words
- Twachtman and Monet Lecture: Impressionist Crosscurrents in the 1890s
- Retracing Twachtman’s Footsteps: Painting en Plein Air in Cos Cob with Dmitri Wright
- Coffee with the Curator
- Author Talk with Arlene Mark
- Historic Shoreline Kayak Tour
- Pre-School Storytime
- Pre-School Storytime
- Pre-School Storytime
- Pre-School Storytime Reading
- Pre-School Storytime Reading
- Fall Scarecrow Festival
- Pre-School Storytime Reading
- David Ogilvy Preservation Award & Annual Meeting
- Picnic in the Park: Binney Park
- Picnic in the Park: Montgomery Pinetum
- Artful Arrangements: Winter White Holiday Centerpiece
- 90th Anniversary
- Open House Day
- Sound Artists Akinori Matsumoto and Michael Pestel
- Artful Arrangements: Heirloom Dahlias
- Japanese Art and Culture and Japonisme at the Cos Cob Art Colony: A Special Curator-Led Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Japanese Art and Culture and Japonisme at the Cos Cob Art Colony: A Special Curator-Led Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Story Barn: A Sense of Place
- Picnic in the Park: Bruce Park
- Discover Greenwich Launch and Cocktail Party
- Walking Tour of Montgomery Pinetum
- Fairy House Workshop
- Pasta Making Workshop
- Wine Tasting Class
- Forbidden Speakeasy-Style Cocktail Class
- Candle Making Workshop
- Second Tour Date: Bush-Holley House Women's History Tour: The Holley Women and the Cos Cob Art Colony
- Virtual Lecture: "Their Lives Within These Walls" Women's Stories from the Bush-Holley House
- Artful Arrangements: Heirloom Roses, Carnations, Lilies, Snapdragons and Artichokes
- Artful Arrangements: Tulips and Larkspur
- Bush-Holley House Women's History Tour: Womanhood and Enslaved Narratives in the Bush Family Household
- Bush-Holley House Women's History Tour: The Holley Women and the Cos Cob Art Colony
- Demolition Brass Band
- Bob Button Band
- Gunsmoke
- Suburban Chaos
- King's Highway
- Billy & the Showmen
- The Sun Kings- A Beatles Tribute
- Merlin
- Walking Tour of Putnam Hill Historic District
- Walking Tour of Greenwich Point
- Walking Tour of Byram
- Walking Tour of Putnam Cemetery
- Walking Tour of Greenwich Ave & Municipal Center
- Scavenger Hunt
- The Diseased Ship:
A Cautionary Tale of New England's Twin Plagues - Bridgeport’s Little Liberia: The Importance of African American Historic Preservation
- The Witness Stones Project:
Restoring History, Honoring Humanity - Curator's Gallery Talk: Cos Cob’s Lower Landing Through Artist’s Eyes
- Twachtman Exhibition
- Christmas in Cos Cob: A Holiday Tour of the Bush-Holley House
- Festival of Tabletop Trees 2021
- Winter Market 2021
- Twachtman’s Road to Greenwich
- Mianus Village: History & Literature with Jack T. Scully and J. Chris Davala
- Fall Family Festival
- Fall Fête
- Guided Tour of John Henry Twachtman’s Greenwich Property
- Member Preview Party
- Holiday Wreath Making Workshop
- Thanksgiving Tablescape Workshop
- Grazing board workshop
- Deborah Royce Book Signing, Ruby Falls
- Cocktails with the Curator
- Greenwich Landmarks, David Ogilvy Preservation Award & 90th Annual Meeting
- Elementary School History Camp
- Middle School History Camp
- Witness Stones Placement Ceremony
- April Break Workshop: Building a Fairy House
- Merlin
- The Demolition Brass Band
- Justine & Jenny Goggin
- Suburban Chaos
- Gunsmoke
- Scott Wenzel Big Band
- History in the Making Award Dinner Honoring Barbara and Ray Dalio
- Billy & The Showmen
- Vinny Nobile & The Jazz Alliance
- April Break Workshop: Building a Fairy House
- God's Little Acre: The Slave Trade in Newport with Keith Stokes
- Middle School Art Camp
- Elementary School Art Camp
- 2021 Art, History and Landscape Lecture
- April Break Workshop: What Will My Garden Grow?
- Hangroot: The Early Native and African Presence in Greenwich, CT with Teresa Vega
- A Closer Look at Lost Landscape Revealed: Childe Hassam and The Red Mill, Cos Cob
- Story Barn: New Beginnings
- Tour the Bush-Holley House
- Fourth Annual Harvard Case Study
- 89th Annual Meeting- Video
- The Greenwich Historical Society's Annual
Fall Festival - Anya Seton, A Writers Life
with Author Lucinda MacKethan
- Steven Wolfe
- Kathy Craughwell-Varda
- Melissa Houston
- Lauren Ackerley
- Olivia Luntz
- Dina Fleischmann
- Alexis Zuniga
- Daniel Suozzo
- Kathy Stefanatos
- Christopher Shields
- Dianne Niklaus
- Gail Luciano
- Laura Kelly
- Barbara Johann
- John Bridge
- Debra L. Mecky, Ph.D.,
- Yashmin Lloyds
- Susan Scully
- Patrick Mele
- Eddie Ross
- Charlotte Barnes
- James Doyle
- Amy Aidinis Hirsch
- Douglas VanderHorn
- Catherine Tompkins
- Heather Georges
- Suzanne Frank
Make a wish
- Make a wish #7418
- Make a wish #7417
- Make a wish #7416
- Make a wish #7415
- Make a wish #7414
- Make a wish #7413
- Make a wish #7411
- Make a wish #7410
- Make a wish #7409
- Make a wish #7408
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- Make a wish #7406
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- Make a wish #7339
Sponsor Categories
event categories
- Antiquarious
- Barn Series
- Camps
- Children's Programs
- Community Event
- Discover Greenwich
- Exhibition
- Family Programs
- Floral Design Series
- Holiday Tours
- Lecture
- Local Spotlight
- Music on the Great Lawn
- Shining a Light Series
- sports
- Tavern Garden Markets
- Time Travelers KidStudio
- Tours
- Twachtman Event
- Walking Tours
- Winter Festival
- Workshop